St. Bernadette Church recently issued the following announcement.
Knights of Columbus to sponsor March for Life trip to Harrisburg
When: Monday, September 27, 2021
The Knights of Columbus in the Diocese of Erie are sponsoring their first Pennsylvania March for Life trip to Harrisburg on Sept. 27. Thanks to a generous donor, a 56-passenger commercial bus is available to depart from a location to be determined in each of the 13 counties of the Diocese of Erie. There is no cost for a seat or to make the trip. Sign-ups are on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information on the trip, departure times and locations, or to reserve a seat, contact Dave Spacht at 814-464-4477. The march includes a 9 a.m. Mass and Adoration at St. Patrick Cathedral, Harrisburg, an 11 a.m. rally on the front steps of the state Capitol Building, and a noon march.
Original source can be found here.