Here you can see the crispy, wonderful smelling Franziskaner-loaf and rye whole-grain tin loaf all baked by Franziskaner bakery in Bozen (Italy) | Wesual Click︳Unsplash
Here you can see the crispy, wonderful smelling Franziskaner-loaf and rye whole-grain tin loaf all baked by Franziskaner bakery in Bozen (Italy) | Wesual Click︳Unsplash
During the devastating Irish famine, residents of Ireland made Irish soda bread as an affordable way to feed their families. However, this baking alternative didn’t originate in Ireland. Likewise, although St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, he isn’t originally from Ireland. In a syndicated article from the national office of Faith magazine, Michelle DiFranco shares a delicious recipe for Irish soda bread, an adopted part of Irish culture, much like their patron saint.
Original source can be found here.